Husks are your greatest enemies and the abrupt end to many good runs due to their self destruct moves. Wave 3: Zwei's LT forward strike, making sure to target husk's and siren's heads.
If did not have the money, upgrade the crovel, it is usable but tricky to survive wave 2 with. This will be your main weapon for the rest of the run, and you'll want to upgrade it fully asap (usually around wave 4). Wave 2: If you have the money, sell your crovel and buy the Zweihander. Perks for waves 1-4: LRLLR The 175 health is clutch, butcher's faster swing speed and better damage is necessary for holding the choke, resistance is key for all the poison and sirens, smash makes the zweihander's LT vertical slash decap MANY big zeds in a few hits, and the real time movement in ZED time allows you to mow through hordes that are giving you trouble! Weapons for waves 1-4: Wave 1: Use the crovel's LT vertical strike (when you press LT while moving forward or backward it does the vertical strike, and I found doing a forward LT and then a backward LT allows good spacing of ZEDS).

That said, I thought I'd share my loadouts and strategies with the current build of the game! Again, select Prison, HoE, 4 Waves and choose your level 25 berserker (you REALLY REALLY want that final berseker perk, I tried HoE probably 100 times before 25 and I finally got it my first try when I hit 25). I also used a berserker build for this and used the prison watchtower spot like noted in the other solution, but the berseker perk has been massively rebalanced in such a way that some of the weapons that used to work for HoE solo (Eviscerator, Pulverizer, Katana) are now considered by the community to be largely useless.